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Invited International Lecture 2023
Uploaded by Dr. Joy Kumar Das - Assistant Professor - Bengali
On 5th April 2023, an important international Lecture series on "Children's Literature" was organized under the initiative of the Bengali Department of Maharaja Bir Bikram College. The Acting Principal of the College, Dr. Arpita Acharya inaugurated the International Lecture series program by sprinkling water on the saplings. Dr. Madhusudan Murasingh, joint secretary of Teachers' Council, delivered the welcome address at the beginning of the program. Dr. Shipra Dutta, Associate Professor of Bengali Department participated in the discussion. Discussed by guest professor Dr. Mrinal Kanti Debnath. Dr. Mahua Acharya, Associate professor of physics department, spoke in this lecture series. Then the main speech on "Children's literature" was delivered by the president of "Bangladesh Shishu Sahithik Forum" from Bangladesh, that is, Bangladesh's children's literature Humayun Kabir Dhali. After the speech of the main speaker, Acting Principal Dr. Arpita Acharya spoke. Finally, the end of this international Lecture series was announced through the vote of thanks by the Head of Department, Dr. Joy Kumar Das. The presence of students of all semesters in the function hall was eye-catching. After entering the hall, some students stood and listened to the discussion. The entire program of the day was a successful event. The present speakers praised the event.
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