Knowledge is the key to immortality
Uses of language in Logic.
Prepared by Lipika De - Postgraduate Teacher - Philosophy

Unit -- ll Paper --- CC-- 2

Topic: - Uses of language in logic. Three basic functions of language.

Logic is the means of thinking right. Language is the dress of thought. Thoughts must be expressed in language, because if we do not express our thoughts in language, we will not be able to analyze them logically. Logic, which protects our minds from falling into error, finds a space for expression through language. Thoughts and concepts that qualify as right or wrong occur through language. Therefore, in order to determine the logical validity of any reasoning, it must be expressed through language and gained an argument form. There are three basic functions or three important uses of language that we discuss here. These are ---- ----- (a) Informative, (b) Expressive, and (c) Directive uses of language.

(a)Informative language :-- Informative language can be looked at as though it is either right or wrong, or true or false. Some have written that informative language is both ‘believable and valuable” language. An example --- “language is used to offer opinions, give advice, make announcements, lecture, admonish, report news, solicit input, or ask questions. Everyday conversations center around information sharing. So, if we are stating something then we are giving some kind of “information” and, as such, it becomes “informative”.

(b) Expressive language --- Expressive language helps us communicate a mood or a felling. Typically, it shows a communicator, reader, or writer, if somebody is happy or sad, glad or mad. Expressive language may or may not include any real information because is to convey emotion... the expression ‘yuck’ connotes disgust, but the word itself isn’t necessarily used to inform. Expressive language is useful in a general sense in literature because it can be written as an onomatopoeia, which certainly has a great deal of power, as it can describe the sounds we hear and the noises of everyday life. Conversely, receptive language , is your ability to comprehend these emotions. You are receiving information and therefore receptive to the information given to you.

(C) Directive language:-- This one gets a little more complex, but it essentially is a way to get a response from somebody that you are communicating with in a typical conversation. Some would say that directive language is typically used to give a command of some sort to somebody. “Directive language is not normally considered true or false. Examples:-- this type of language include. “shut off the light”, or” you are standing where it says No Loitering,” This last one hints at a command because it is essentially saying, “Get away from there.”

And that about sums up the three basic functions of language, which have practical application in logic, communication and writing.


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