MBB College

Knowledge is the key to immortality
  Courses & Admission
Notices & Activities
Major Subject Shifting Notice 2024


General Guidelines for Admission in MBB College

Any student passing HS (+2) or its equivalent examination from the year 2020 to 2024 with at least 4 subjects including English from any recognized Board/Council shall be eligible for admission to the 1st Semester of the B.A/B.Com./B.Sc. programme of studies subject to availability of seats.


Admission Notices - 2024

Confirmed Merit List for DHE Applicants (Admission Date: 30/07/2024)

Admission Notice for DHE Applicants (Admission Date: 29/07/2024 and 30/07/2024)

List of allotted students by DHE for Admission (Admission Date: 29/07/2024 and 30/07/2024)

SPOT Admission Confirmed Merit List 2 (Admission Date: 19/07/2024 only)

SPOT Admission Confirmed Merit List 1 (Admission Date: 18/07/2024 only)

SPOT Admission Waiting Merit List 1

Confirmed Merit List 2 (Admission Date: 06/07/2024 to 10/07/2024)

Confirmed Merit List 1 (Admission Date: 24/06/2024 to 27/06/2024)

Confirmed Merit List (PwD) 1 (Admission Date: 24/06/2024 to 27/06/2024)

Waiting Merit List 1


Intake in Major and Minor Subjects

Stream Subject Intake in Major Intake in Minor
Physical Science Chemistry 50 50
Computer Science
Mathematics 60 100
Physics 50 60
Statistics 50 70
Bio. Science Botany 60 50
Environmental Science
Human Physiology 60 50
Zoology 60 50
Social Science Economics 100 100
Geography 60 50
Psychology 60 50
Arts Bengali 100 130
Education 100 130
English 100 130
Hindi 50 50
History 100 130
100 130
NCC   17
Philosophy 100 100
Physical Education
Political Science 100 130
Sanskrit 100 100
Sociology 100 100
Commerce Accountancy 200 200

Combinations of Minor subjects allowed with Major subjects

Stream Major Minor (Any one of the following subjects)
Physical Science Chemistry Mathematics, Physics
Computer Science Mathematics, Physics, Statistics
Mathematics Statistics
Physics Chemistry, Mathematics, Statistics
Statistics Mathematics
Bio. Science Botany Environmental Science, Human Physiology, Zoology
Human Physiology Botany, Environmental Science, Zoology
Zoology Botany, Environmental Science, Human Physiology
Social Science Economics

Social Science (Mathematics, Statistics, Geography, Physical Education, Psychology)

Arts (Bengali, Education, English, Hindi, History, Kokborok, Philosophy, Political Science, Sanskrit, Sociology)


Social Science (Economics, Physical Education, Psychology)

Arts (Bengali, Education, English, Hindi, History, Kokborok, Philosophy, Political Science, Sanskrit, Sociology)


Social Science (Economics, Geography, Physical Education)

Arts (Bengali, Education, English, Hindi, History, Kokborok, Philosophy, Political Science, Sanskrit, Sociology)

Arts Bengali Economics, Education, English, Geography, Hindi, History, Kokborok, Philosophy, Physical Education, Political Science, Psychology, Sanskrit, Sociology
Education Bengali, Economics, English, Geography, Hindi, History, Kokborok, Philosophy, Physical Education, Political Science, Psychology, Sanskrit, Sociology
English Bengali, Economics, Education, Geography, Hindi, History, Kokborok, Philosophy, Physical Education, Political Science, Psychology, Sanskrit, Sociology
Hindi Bengali, Economics, Education, English, Geography, History, Kokborok, Philosophy, Physical Education, Political Science, Psychology, Sanskrit, Sociology
History Bengali, Economics, Education, English, Geography, Hindi, Kokborok, Philosophy, Physical Education, Political Science, Psychology, Sanskrit, Sociology
Kokborok Bengali, Economics, Education, English, Geography, Hindi, History, Philosophy, Physical Education, Political Science, Psychology, Sanskrit, Sociology
Philosophy Bengali, Economics, Education, English, Geography, Hindi, History, Kokborok, Physical Education, Political Science, Psychology, Sanskrit, Sociology
Political Science Bengali, Economics, Education, English, Geography, Hindi, History, Kokborok, Philosophy, Physical Education, Psychology, Sanskrit, Sociology
Sanskrit Bengali, Economics, Education, English, Geography, Hindi, History, Kokborok, Philosophy, Physical Education, Political Science, Psychology, Sociology
Sociology Bengali, Economics, Education, English, Geography, Hindi, History, Kokborok, Philosophy, Physical Education, Political Science, Psychology, Sanskrit
Commerce Accountancy Other subjects from Commerce stream which are same for all students.

Eligibility Criteria for the admission

  • Any student passing HS (+2) or its equivalent examination from the year 2020 to 2024 with at least 4 subjects including English from any recognized Board/Council shall be eligible for admission to the 1st Semester of the B.A/B.Com./B.Sc. programme
  • An applicant seeking admission to B.Com. (Major) course: In addition to clause described above he/she
    1. must have secured at least 40% marks in Mathematics at the Madhyamik or its equivalent examination OR
    2. must have passed Mathematics in HS (+2) or its equivalent examination OR
    3. must have passed the two Commerce papers in HS (+2) or its equivalent examination.
  • In HS (+2) or its equivalent examination, if a student fails to obtain pass marks in a subject or has passed a subject in Compartmental Exam., is not allowed for taking Major in that particular subject.
  • As regards marks-bar for admission against reserved seats/quotas for ST/SC/PH candidates the guidelines/instructions of University and State Government will be followed time to time. Relaxation of marks for ST/SC/PH candidates will be followed as per State Government norms.

Some criteria for opting subjects as Major / Minor

Subject opted Necessary Condition
Physics Student must have passed Physics & Mathematics in HS (+2) or its equivalent examination.
Chemistry Student must have passed Chemistry & Mathematics in HS (+2) or its equivalent examination.
Mathematics Student must have passed Mathematics in HS (+2) or its equivalent examination.
Statistics Student must have passed Mathematics in HS (+2) or its equivalent examination.
Computer Science Student must have passed Physics & Mathematics in HS (+2) or its equivalent examination.
Botany, Human Physiology, Zoology Student must have passed Biology, Chemistry and Physics in HS (+2) or its equivalent examination.
Economics Student must have to secure at least 50% in Mathematics in Madhyamik or its equivalent examination for opting Economics as Major subject.

Preparation of merit list

  • The merit list will be prepared on the basis of sum of marks of Best Five subjects of H.S.(+2) Exam and the subject opted for Major.
  • If there is a tie in the sum, preference will be given on the marks obtained in the subject opted as Major (for breaking the tie).
  • If marks of the subject opted as Major is also equal, then the date of birth of the candidate will be considered. Senior will be given chance.
  • The merit list will be published for Major subject only.
  • Minor and interdisciplinary subject will be distributed among the students subject to availability of seat and on first come first serve basis.
  • Reservation for SC/ST/PH will be governed by State Government Reservation policy.

Structure of the Programme


(Duration: 6 months for each Semester)

Major Minor Interdisciplinary Courses Skill Enhancement / Vocational Courses
Ability Enhancement Courses
Value added Courses

Course-1 (4 credit)
Course-2 (4 credit)

Course-1 (4 credit) Course-1 (3 credit) Course-1 (3 credit)   Course-1 (2 credit) Certificate Course

Course-3 (4 credit)
Course-4 (4 credit)

Course-2 (4 credit)   Course-2 (3 credit) Course-1 (3 credit) Course-2 (2 credit)

Course-5 (4 credit)
Course-6 (4 credit)

Course-3 (4 credit) Course-2 (3 credit) Course-3 (3 credit)   Course-3 (2 credit) Diploma Course

Course-7 (4 credit)
Course-8 (4 credit)

Course-4 (4 credit) Course-3 (3 credit)   Course-2 (3 credit) Course-4 (2 credit)

Course-9 (4 credit)
Course-10 (4 credit)
Course-11 (4 credit)
Course-12 (4 credit)

Course-5 (4 credit)     Course-3 (3 credit)   Bachelor Degree with Single Major Subject

Course-13 (4 credit)
Course-14 (4 credit)
Course-15 (4 credit)
Course-16 (4 credit)

Course-6 (4 credit)      

Course-17 (4 credit)
Course-18 (4 credit)
Course-19 (4 credit)
Course-20 (4 credit)

Course-7 (4 credit)         Bachelor (Honours) Degree with Single Major Subject

Course-21 (4 credit)
Course-22 (4 credit)
Course-23 (4 credit)
Course-24 (4 credit)

Course-8 (4 credit)        


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